Part of the permanent art collection of the

Cone Health MedCenter for Women's Health
Greensboro, NC 

Generously underwritten by Carolynn and Tim Rice


30" High  x 60"  Wide x 1.75" Deep
Acrylic on Canvas, 2021

"Thread of Life", commisioned by Cone Health for its new  MedCenter for Women's Health  in Greensboro, seeks to honor  women's experiences , inspire a sense of reassurance and connection and illustrate the Center's mission to serve and embrace all women, in all circumstances, with respect and compassion. 

The continuous line loop that shapes the figures and binds the composition symbolizes the reassuring continuity of life and the protective bond between all women. Life's unpredictability is illustrated by the currents of color flowing through and around the figures.  Rather than being defined, distorted or swept away by life's turbulence, the figures remain protected and anchored by the thread that connects them. 

In order to achieve universal inclusion, I excluded most identifiers, deconstructing figures down to simple line-drawings expressing only the underlying emotion, experience, relationship or life event, with certain figures intentionally open to different interpretations in response to the viewer's own projections and experiences.


Continuous line studies for Thread of Life
(swipe or click side-arrows to view all)

Gesture studies for Thread of Life
(swipe or click side-arrows to view all)